
更新时间: 2021-08-06 16:57   来源:海口桂林洋经济开发区  作者:党政办  阅读次数:


Essential Information and Background of Jiangdong International Education New District

江东国际教育新区位于江东新区东部地区,紧邻海口美兰国际机场,交通便利,环境优美,目前聚集了国内外知名高校,海口大学城就座落在江东国际教育新区。江东国际教育新区为符合入驻要求的国际院校预留土地,会根据院校的需求匹配100-1000亩不等的教育用地资源。目前,英国顶尖私立学校哈罗公学已落户并开始运营。江东国际教育新区规划范围面积22.16 平方公里。其中建设用地面积17.53平方公里,净开发建设用地面积11.81平方公里。江东国际教育新区规划人口规模约15万人,交通便利,并配备先进的公共服务配套设施。

Jiangdong International Education New District is located in the eastern part of Jiangdong New Area, close to Haikou Meilan International Airport, with convenient transportation and beautiful environment. At present, well-known universities at home and abroad are gathered. Haikou University Town is located in Jiangdong International Education New District. Jiangdong International Education New District reserves land for international colleges and universities that meet the entry requirements, and will match educational land resources ranging from 100-1000 acres according to the needs of the colleges. At present, Harrow International School, the top private school in the UK, has settled down and started operations. The planned area of Jiangdong International Education New District is 22.16 square kilometers. Among them, the construction land area is 17.53 square kilometers, and the net development construction land area is 11.81 square kilometers. The Jiangdong International Education New District has a planned population of approximately 150,000. The transportation here is convenient and other advanced public facilities are equipped.



Investment Subject


International first-class colleges and universities (QS ranking top 100); domestic well-known colleges and universities (in cooperation with QS ranking top 100 schools); internationally renowned K12 schools; internationally renowned kindergartens.




Contact person and phone number: Zheng Youheng 0898-65715742

Zhang Fengmei, Pan Yongnan, Du Zhenghua 0898-65710169

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